Deliveries guaranteed: commitment in Contract Manufacturing

The time factor plays a very particular role in the management of production orders on behalf of third parties: although it is strictly related to external contingencies that are not easily controlled, it must be planned as precisely as possible, especially if it is chosen, as we do at CTA, to assume the commitment of always guaranteed deliveries.

At CTA we guarantee the punctuality of deliveries by making use of a production planning and management system for activities complementary to production that allows us to proactively face difficult-to-control events in the market.

Below we delve into the nature of the most common critical issues that, if left unmanaged, can lead to delays and deviations from agreed deliveries.

Typical external problems in outsourced production

Supply chain delays or logistics delays

Any bottleneck in the supply chain or logistics system can result in delayed production inputs, which in turn result in slippage of production start up.


Normally, the supply chain must be structured and managed in such a way as to ensure efficient, optimized and sufficiently dynamic operation, so that bottlenecks occur sporadically and rarely. For example, fluctuations in material availability can be monitored and, if you have adequate knowledge of the relevant markets, even forecast well in advance. However, there are atypical factors and events with which it is not possible to use an advanced game; in these cases, maintaining a buffer stock capable of dealing with temporary stagnation without affecting the start of production and, therefore, compliance with the agreed deliveries is invaluable.

Non-conformity of incoming materials

An error made upstream in the supply chain can lead to the presence of a defect that alters the characteristics of a raw material, which therefore does not comply with the technical and design standard and it cannot be used within the production process.


In these cases, it is necessary to have consolidated procedures that allow the identification of the defective component, the report to the supplier involved and the reception, as quickly as possible, of the intact raw material. Also on this occasion, the presence of a reserve stock in the warehouse can eliminate the risk of impact at the start of production.

Malfunction of machineries or tools

The machinery and production equipment that make up the production process are usually robust and robust enough to ensure continuous and intensive operation. However, temporary failures or malfunctions may occur from time to time and require a prompt response from qualified personnel.


The personnel in charge of the maintenance of the equipment must be properly trained, in order to be able to intervene quickly in case of breakdown or even prevent any stoppage through correct maintenance procedures. In the event that, due to the nature of the fault produced, the intervention of external assistance is necessary, it is necessary to know the procedures for activating assistance in order to minimize the risk of delays and waiting times.

Along with the external eventualities just described, it is also necessary to consider a factor that plays a fundamental role in production for third parties and that is totally intrinsic and free from external agents.

An essential intrinsic element for production management on behalf of third parties oriented towards guaranteed deliveries

Just as external tasks are often not controllable, in the same way the internal factors that contribute to meeting the agreed deadlines depend strictly on management production and, in general, by the company's own management. Experience and deep knowledge of the science of production contribute to the ability to train and consolidate internal planning and organization procedures that guarantee an efficient and efficient production process, aimed at continuous improvement.

The approach oriented to continuous optimization not only reduces the risk of inefficiencies, but also increases the possibility of preventively solving any dead ends that may occur within the production process and that are deactivated, often automatically, by means of constant optimization. main and supporting activities.

The ability to guarantee punctual deliveries in the agreed terms represents for CTA a strength and an added value guaranteed to all customers, order after order, for each production task entrusted to us. Aware that each project is indisputably a priority for those who commission it, we direct our efforts in the construction of a business ecosystem oriented to performance and constant optimization, which allows us to concretely implement the principle of deliveries always guaranteed.

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CTA Manufacturing

We manufacture and assemble finished and semi-finished products for our Customers, guaranteeing a manufacturing outsourcing experience that is complete, secure and reliable. As always, we offer quality of the processes and of the relationships just as well as the quality of the manufactured outcome.

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