We Manufacture and Assemble Finished Products

Our Manufacturing talent is constantly at work to guarantee an excellent outsourcing experience

We assemble finished products for esteemed Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)

Our proven manufacturing experience, a distinguishing trait for us, allows us to offer Clients an outsourcing experience that's complete, secure, very accurate and very reliable. Starting from the definition of assembly procedures, up to the realization of special custom integrations, we guarantee to our Clients the quality of processes alongside the quality of results.

We complete the manufacturing service with a service of functional testing, built ad-hoc in sinergy with the Clients

We perform functional testing for each assembled product, verifying the integrity on the basis of precise technical specifications. The constant synergy between out Team and the Customers' Teams allows for an optimization of testing processes over time, offering benefits that range from efficiency improvement to the increase of the reliability index of each test.

We assemble mechanical semi-finished products that include electronics integrations and wirings

Our profound know-how of industrial electronics complements our manufacturing capacbilities and guarantees an accurate assembly even in presence of electromechanical integrations of medium-high complexity. We also perform in-house wirings and cablings that allow to maximise the ease of pose, on field, of the finished product.

We handle in place of our Clients the complete or partial supply chain relating to the raw materials and components needed in the assembly process

The effective management of our own supply chain allows us to integrate very easily the prcourement operations related to the materials imvolved in the manufacturing processes that we run for our Clients. We're very proud of the relationships based on esteem and open collaborations that we've built with our Suppliers and we're very grateful for the priceless value that they represent.

Our aim? To provide benefits in terms of stability, quality and efficiency to any company who needs to concretely produce a product or an integration of products.

In order to fulfill our aim, we dedicate our know-how and our manufacturing force, performing in our facilities product assemblies, wirings and integrations and tests on behalf of our Customers, with the same care and passion that we dedicate to our own products.

To guarante the best production outsourcing experience, we use a process that offers results and benefits to the Clients since their very first interaction with our Team.

First meeting, where we get to know each other. In art, the basis of collaborative success.

In order to produce to perfection the products of our Clients, we need to build step by step a solid, long lasting relationship based on reciprocal trust, mutual transparency and on the will to take an active part in the success of the other party. Right from the first meeting, then, we do our best to simplify the process of getting to know each other and the definition of the targets to be achieved.

Product analysis and detection of the most effective assembly process

The preliminary evaluation of the product and of the necessary production phases allows to define with clarity, right from the start, any peculiarity or criticality that should be promtply resolved before the production start up phase.

Start up of an evaluation pre-serie, which allows to validate processes and procedures

By manufacturing a pre-serie, we get to show a concrete output to our Clients, all the while finetuning the manufcaturing procedures used for the specific product. The pre-serie phase is the step when the motor warms up, seat belts get fastened and the adventure begins.

Total or partial transfer of the Customer's supply chain or take over of CTA's supply chain

By delegating to CTA the procurement of materials involved in the manufacturing processes, it is possible to further optimize the management of the finished product and to release the Customer from all the operative activites linked to the supply of raw materials and components. Normally, CTA takes over with its own supply chain, guaranteeing optimal purchasing conditions, but in some circumstances the Customers may opt for moving over their own supply chain in order to guarantee continuity to their own suppliers.

Beginning of a long, satisfying and valorous Manufacturing Partnership

The commercial relationships that we are proud to build are so strong, stable and long lasting that they can be appropriately labeled as Partnerships. The know-how, the care and the dedication that CTA reserves to manufacturing activities allows the Clients to count on complete support, just as it was an extention of themselves.

The safety of entrusting the realization of your product to expert hands, prepared minds and enthusiast souls

Expert and competent manufacturing management on your behalf

Management and handling of all the related accessory activities on your behalf

Resources otpimization and efficiency improvement at your advantage

So that you can focus solely on the strategic activities that represent your core business

The production is vital lymph for our Customers business

In fact, it's only after the concrete and tangible realization of the product that all their engineering and developing efforts get rewarded. In CTA, we're completely aware of this and for this reason we treat production like a royal activity, to which we devote all the attention and care of the case. Not a single detail is left behind, because everything concurs to the creation of Excellence.

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CTA Manufacturing

We manufacture and assemble finished and semi-finished products for our Customers, guaranteeing a manufacturing outsourcing experience that is complete, secure and reliable. As always, we offer quality of the processes and of the relationships just as well as the quality of the manufactured outcome.

Our Operative Plant

Via Quarto 26
20811 Cesano Maderno (MB)
P.IVA (VAT) IT09176980960
CF 09176980960

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Tel +39 0362 54 11 16
Email info[at]ctaelectronics[dot]com

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CTA ManufacturingItalian Excellence in Industrial Manufacturing • a brand by CTA Electronics Srl • Copyright 2024 • All right reserved